While in DatabaseI course (0303341) covered main concepts behind database management systems, mainly Relational database model that was developed to tackle the issues of central-controlled data storage and management while the rise of the Web applications required NoSQL databases to connect companies with customers both online and mobile, with the requirement of agile development and adaptation to dynamic changes. It is important for computers science students to master the skills of current database and know about the future of databases in a world of NoSQL. There are many other considerations that should be addressed if you intend to pursue a career in this field.
Currently database landscape is undergoing significant changes as big data and web programming is becoming the icon of this era. Non-relational databases become an important part of major organization data architecture.
This course will expand upon what you learned about SQL and introduce various other advanced topics, including new technologies in database landscape, starting with several different NoSQL databases, such as XML database including DTDs and XML Schema for validation, and the query and transformation languages XPath, XQuery, and XSLT. The course will also provide a broad overview of Internet and Web technologies such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, client-side scripting (JavaScript), server-side scripting (PHP), Web data-base connectivity, and XML Technologies. The students will be encouraged to design, implement, and evaluate small-scaled Web projects in groups/teams.
While DatabaseI introduced the basics of database management systems, the additional topics covered in this course will help you become more proficient in writing queries and will expand your knowledge base so that you have a better understanding of the field.
- Teacher: Qusai Ameeh